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Ultraviolet (UV) light destroys the molecular bonds that hold together the DNA of viruses and bacteria. UV light is a particularly good option for sanitation because it kills bacteria regardless of drug resistance and without toxic chemicals.
UVC can be dangerous to humans. That is why UV sterilization is usually done using UVC lamps with protective shields. Remember to avoid direct exposure to UVC, especially skin and eyes. It is able to kill all kinds of microorganisms, including drug resistant bacteria.
Yes - ultraviolet fixtures have been safely used in homes, as well as in hospitals, laboratories, clean rooms, doctors″ offices, commercial buildings, food processing plants and other commercial and residential environments throughout the world - any place a concern for clean air exists.
“When used appropriately, ultraviolet radiation is very effective at killing or deactivating pathogens. It can also cause harm to humans, so care must be taken when evaluating new technologies racing to market in a bid to help mitigate the new coronavirus.”
Yes. UV lamps will kill up to 99.9% of mold and help prevent future mold growth.
Ultraviolet light in the germicidal wavelength - 185-254 nanometers - renders the organisms sterile. When organisms can no longer reproduce, they die.
No - germicidal UV sterilizes only what it comes in contact with.
The exposure of germicidal ultraviolet rays is the product of time and intensity. High intensities for a short period and low intensities for a long period are fundamentally equal in lethal action on bacteria. The inverse square law applies to germicidal ultraviolet as it does to light: the killing power decreases as the distance from the lamps increases. The average bacterium will be killed in ten seconds at a distance of six inches from the lamp.
Prolonged, direct exposure to UV light can cause temporary skin redness and eye irritation, but does not cause skin cancer or cataracts. If you are exposed to direct germicidal light, it can burn the top surface of your skin. If your eyes are exposed, it would be similar to a "welder's flash", and your eyes can feel dry or gritty. At no time do germicidal lamps cause any permanent damage.
Long-term exposure of germicidal UV light to plastics will shorten the shelf life of the plastic by approximately 10%. Example: If the plastic would normally last about ten years, and it's exposed to germicidal UV light the entire time, it would probably need to be replaced in 9 years. Plant life may be damaged by direct, or reflected, germicidal ultraviolet rays. Transient dyes and colors may be faded from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.
This is determined by the wattage of the lamp. Example: A 15-watt lamp will cover approximately 100 square feet; a 30-watt lamp will cover approximately 200 square feet.
Germicidal lamps were not placed on the Medicare or Medicaid list when the government requested it in the early 60s, because tuberculosis was not a major issue at that time. Because it's not on these lists, the government, and insurance companies, will not reimburse individuals for purchasing a UV system.
Germicidal UV lamps do not produce much heat - about the same as fluorescent lamps.